Coolbardie House is an accommodation in the hills of Perth. The work required was to build a cheap, basic website for potential guests to view the house and it’s services as well as to book accommodation directly, without causing conflicts from the listings it holds on other booking platforms, such as AirBnb and It also required a custom domain addressed email hosted and a Google listing.
To achieve this we started with a basic 5 page site displayed as an endless scroll, with all page links landing onto the scrolling home page.

The booking form slides in from the header and displays a webform in addition to the free to access Google calendar plugin.
All images were supplied by the owner, eliminating the cost of any stock images or professional custom imagery.

The site is protected with the free version of CloudFlare. This is perfectly adequate for a small scale, low traffic business such as this.
The custom email was set up with our recommended email host on the free plan, which allows for a single user to have a single custom domain name free of charge. This means no ongoing costs for email hosting which is common across most larger providers. did not include any SEO work, optimization or continuous management other than sporicidal spot-fixing. It achieved it’s goal of being a cheap, easy to navigate site that serves it’s purpose and is largely self-operational. The only input by the owner is the monitoring of the mailbox and sending out of invoices and the only ongoing costs are for website hosting, which is cloud based and the cheapest option available (three digits budgets).
If this sounds like the sort of site your business needs, shoot me an email referencing as a guide.